Atsushi Kobayashi


Atsushi Kobayashi's Sessions

Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang (Traditional chinese: 唐鳳) is a Taiwanese free software programmer, best known for initiating and leading the Pugs project, a joint effort from Haskell and Perl communities to implement the Perl 6 language.

Audrey Tang's Sessions

Ben Trott

Ben Trott

Ben Trott is co-founder and CTO of Six Apart, the leader in blogging software and services.

Ben Trott's Sessions

Brad Fitzpatrick

Brad Fitzpatrick

Brad Fitzpatrick created LiveJournal in 1999 and grew the company throughout and after college, later selling it to SixApart, creators of TypePad, MovableType, and Vox. The open souce infrastructure software created to keep LiveJournal alive throughout the years is now popular within the "Web 2.0" world, including memcached, MogileFS, Perlbal, and different job dispatch systems. Brad is also responsible for creating OpenID, originally designed for interop between different SixApart websites.

Chia-liang Kao

Chia-Liang Kao is a Managing Partner in Best Practical Solutions and the creator of SVK, the leading distributed version control system based on Subversion. He splits his time between London and the
mountains of Taiwan, where he hacks, hikes and relaxes in some of the world's finest hotsprings.

Chia-liang Kao's Sessions

Daisuke Maki

Daisuke Maki

Daisuke has been tossed around the world for most of his life, including Brazil, Portugal, USA, and Japan.

After 21 long years abroad, he returned to Japan and started Endeworks.
Since he discovered Perl, he been contributing to projects such as DateTime, Xango, etc.

He spends most of his time hacking, walking, drinking, or eating (mostly drinking).

Daisuke Maki's Sessions

Dan Kogai

Dan Kogai

Dave Rolsky

Dave Rolsky

Dave Rolsky is a programmer, author, animal advocate, and anime aficionado. He has worked on many Perl projects including Mason and the Perl DateTIme Project.

Dave Rolsky's Sessions

Emerson Mills

Emerson Mills

Emerson Mills is a long time Perl developer at and, working on projects like Amazon's mobile website in Japan. Currently he is the web services evangelist for Japan. He lives in nishi-tokyo and when not playing with Perl or linux, enjoys riding bicycles and cooking.

Gosuke Miyashita

Gosuke Miyashita

株式会社paperboy&co. 技術責任者(別名技術系何でも屋)。Catalyst をベースとしたウェブAPI の開発をメインでやってましたが、最近はネットワークやサーバまわりなど、幅広く仕事してます。ドクターペッパー大好き。

Gosuke Miyashita is a sysadmin in paperboy&co.He worked in developing web apis based on Catalyst and is recently working on servers and networks widley.He loves Dr.Pepper.

Ingy döt Net

Ingy döt Net

Ingy döt Net is the Spiffy Perl Hacker who brought you Inline, YAML, Kwiki, Spork and other ridiculous top level namespaces.

Ingy döt Net's Sessions

Jeff Kim

Jeff Kim

Jeff Kim is a Perl Hacker currently living in New York City. He operates in a freelance / consultanty sort of way.

Jeff Kim's Sessions

Jesse Vincent

Jesse Vincent

Jesse is the creator of Jifty, RT, Hiveminder and Doxory and the founder of Best Practical Solutions. He spends an awful lot of time on airplanes.

Jonathan Rockway

Jonathan Rockway

Jonathan Rockway is just another perl hacker from Chicago, IL. He's a core Catalyst developer and is currently writing the first Catalyst book.

Kang-min Liu

Kang-min Liu

I'm a freelancer living a small city called "Jhubei" in Taiwan, also the founder of (Chupei is the old official pinying of Jhubei.) I also started a cafe in Hsin-chu city called OPCafé, and mostly stay there trying to be creative and productive. I have several nice ideas and projects to do, and many blogs (some of them have many co-authors) with all different purposes.

Kazuhiro Osawa

Kazuhiro Osawa


Kazuho Oku

Kazuho Oku

As a developer of the web browser Palmscape (a web browser for Palm OS), his main focus is in introducing new methods of communication to end users, by hacking the web browser and the HTTP protocol.

Kei-ichi Daiba


Kei-ichi Daiba's Sessions

Kenichi Ishigaki

Kenichi Ishigaki

Kenichi Ishigaki, also known as charsbar and tcool, is a freelance translator/programmer. He maintains a ppm repository for ActivePerl for Win32, and several other websites on cocktails and classical latin, to name a few.

Kenichi Ishigaki's Sessions

Mark Jason Dominus

Mark Jason Dominus

Mark is head of software engineering at the Penn Genomics Institute. He is the author of the book Higher-Order Perl.

Mark has been programming since 1977, and in Perl since 1992. He is an occasional contributor to the Perl core, and is the author of the Memoize, Text::Template, and Tie::File modules, and the perlreftut man page.

From 1999-2001 Mark was the managing editor of He was a columnist for The Perl Journal for several years. Most of his articles for TPJ have been reprinted in Computer Science and Perl Programming: Best of the Perl Journal. Mark's other Perl-related articles have appeared in magazines such as Wired and IEEE Software.

Since 1998 Mark has been a professional Perl trainer. In addition to speaking at conferences like YAPC, he has given training courses for large companies and organizations, including Morgan Stanley, IBM, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and British Telecom.

Marty Pauley

Marty Pauley

Marty is a Hacker and GNU Guerrilla. He recently moved to Japan to work as a sysadmin. He likes playing with Perl and breaking Linux machines.

Marty Pauley's Sessions

Naoya Ito

Naoya Ito

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa is a perl hacker living in San Francisco, CA and working on Vox in Six Apart. He's the founder of Shibuya Perl Mongers and the organizers lead for YAPC::Asia 2006 and 2007.

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa's Sessions

Tokuhiro Matsuno

Tokuhiro Matsuno


Tokuhiro Matsuno's Sessions

Tomohiro Ikebe

Tomohiro Ikebe


Tomohiro Ikebe's Sessions

Yoshinori Takesako

Yoshinori Takesako

Shibuya Perl Mongers二代目リーダーにして、ppencodeの作者。座右の銘は「いかにコードを書かずして問題を解決するか」。はじめてのパソコンはFM TOWNS。いきなりi386の32bit世代。広島市立大学情報科学部在学中、外資系コンピュータメーカの子会社でソフトウェア開発の現場を経験。独立系ITベンチャーにて大企業向けmod_perlパッケージソフトの開発に従事し、2005年よりサイボウズ・ラボ株式会社に入社。Namazu for Win32、Plagger、Ajaja のコミッターでもある。


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